Muslim Men with More than One Wife

A statistic given little attention amid all the controversy surrounding the new immigrants to Europe from the Middle East concerns Muslim men who have multiple wives. Five-year-old estimates suggest there are 20 thousand or more polygamous marriages in each of France and Great Britain. In Germany, a Berlin police report states 30 percent of Arab men […]

Israel’s Best Friends Revealed

One of the characteristics of the United Nations is that votes against Israel are overwhelmingly skewed against the Jewish state. A typical example, repeated dozens of times each year, is a World Health Organization report last year (A69/B/CONF./1, May 24, 2016), and its aftermath. The report condemned Israel claiming medical services for Palestinian-Arabs were being […]

An Arab-Christian Diplomat and Attorney Speaks about Arabs, Jews and Peace

George Deek On September 27, 2014, at an event hosted by Med Israel for Fred (With Israel for peace) in the House of Literature, Oslo, a captivating speech was given by George Deek, an Arab-Christian who served as Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Israel in Norway. The text has been excerpted due to space […]

Jews and Christians in a Hostile World

Last year was a relatively “good” year for Christians. Only 90 thousand were killed for their faith in 2016, down from 105 thousand in 2015, according to the highly respected Center for the Study of Global Christianity at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary near Boston. That’s one every six minutes. From 2000 to 2010, 100 thousand […]

Understanding our Time

Many people are unable to apply the allegorical references of the Bible to the present. Equipment and instructions are suited for a specific time. I am antique enough to remember guiding a plow pulled by a horse. I also remember seeing women scrubbing clothes on a metal washboard and, once they were dry, running them […]

Fact vs. Fable
– God’s Word is eternal (Isaiah 40:8)

It was the end of Shabbat and I had just finished praying at the Kotel, the ancient wall of the Jerusalem Temple site, as our family has done each week for the past quarter century. I had read the names of over seven hundred people who had contacted us from around the world in recent […]

Looking for words of peace from a peace partner

While world pressure on Israel to make more sacrifices for peace continues to build, Israel waits for a peace partner to appear. But so far, the Palestinian Authority is in absentia. At the United Nations in September, before an audience of nearly two hundred nations, an optimistic Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even invited PA […]

The madness of the year gone by

It has been a year of tragedies, threats and disappointments. Terrorism is rampant, the threat of enemies grows daily, and the humanitarians that should be friends betrayed us. In the year since Rosh Hashanah 5776 (the biblical new year, September 13-15, 2015), when the latest intifada against Israel began, 44 persons, ages 13 to 78, […]

Three quotations

Yehuda Bauer on the movement to boycott Israel Yehuda Bauer, 90, is Professor Emeritus of History and Holocaust Studies at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Professor Bauer says the boycott movement wants “not a better Israel, they want no Israel….Now of course, they love Jews. Especially dead Jews. The ones who died in the Holocaust, they’re marvelous, they […]

A new world was born while we slept

In a parable of Jesus, it says, “While men slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went his way” (Mt. 13:25). The life of Bible believers today, whether Jew or Christian, is being altered rapidly, but few are noticing or doing anything about it. Muslim terrorists are blowing up, chopping up […]